Hands on With The New Flurry Analytics

Tobias Vogels, Mobile Developer Evangelist

Throughout the last several months, the Flurry team has held several webinars featuring The New Flurry. Viewers were walked-through the complete functionality of the new portal, including recently released features, and were taught how to find the metrics that are most important to them.

As mentioned before, The Classic Flurry will be retired today, March 27th, and all Flurry functionality will be served by the new Flurry platform.

Check out the video below for a hands-on demo of The New Flurry, taken from one of our previous webinars.

It doesn’t stop there, in conversations with developers from around the world, we’ve noticed a handful of concerns continually resurface. We’ve collected and addressed some commonly asked questions below:

Is user acquisition reporting available on The New Flurry?

Yes, you can access user acquisition metrics by clicking on “Attribution” in the top navigation: https://y.flurry.com/attribution/install/3100


How can I run funnel analyses on The New Flurry?

We moved our funnel reporting to Flurry Explorer. You can access Flurry Explorer by clicking on “Explorer” in the top navigation. Here’s some more information on how you can build and run funnel analyses on Flurry Explorer: https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/analytics/explorer/funnels/

How can I access and download event logs on The New Flurry?

You can download events by clicking on the “Downloads CSV” button on the Event Logs dashboard.


We’re excited to finalize the transition to The New Flurry and hope this post can serve as a resource for you in the future. As always, if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support@flurry.com.